Such beautiful pieces can only be made by a big artist. Stéphanie Kilgast is the wonderful crafter behind PetitPlat. Her work is one of the most amazing miniatures I´ve ever seen and I truly admire every little piece from her shop.
I invite you to know a little bit more about Stéphanie
When did you start crafting? What was your motivation?
I've crafted since my early childhood. I drawed a lot when I was little, went on miniature food out of normal clay for my Barbies, then I did some jewelry out of glass beads, I started to paint when I was 16, I learnt to knit with 18 and I went back to miniature food in 2007.
Which one of your designs makes you feel prouder of yourself?
I'm always proud of my latest designs, as I always try to reinvent my 'art' and improve my skills. So right now, I'm proud of my raspberry macarons pendant:

What kind of things inspire you?
Cooking books, blogs and websites! Random jewelry found on flickr and other miniaturists.
Do you have any favorite book, movie, comic, etc? Which one and why is it your favorite?
It's a bit hard for me to choose, but I have several favorite books: Dracula by Bram Stoker, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, 1984 by Georges Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and (I must admit it) the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. All of these books are rather 'dark'. Some of them makes me think about how our world is, about politics and society. Some are more about the emotions a human can live through.
Besides that I'm very fond of comics as well! On the comic side I'm very different than my book side, I prefer fun comics and don't appreciate serious ones at all. My favorite has to be Asterix and Obelix, but I have a rather huge comic collection.

Do you have any mania or obsession?
Food! It's pathetic but I can't stand when a meal isn't good enough. It's all my mother's fault, she's a great cook!And well I do miniature food all day and I love to cook and eat :) I also really like to go to a restaurant (far more than going to a movie or a party, blah! I prefer eating!)And I think it's pretty great because you have to eat quite much in a life time, so it's better when you enjoy it :)
Take your time to find out how to make the miniature perfect. That often means trial an error. Don't just ask other miniaturists on how they did it, you can't improve like this. You need to think by yourself.
I strongly believe that the difference between humans and animals is the creation. Human are meant to create, so get your glue, beads, paint, wood, metal, clay or fabric and create! It will make you feel alive!
Thank very much dear Stéphanie!
Thank very much dear Stéphanie!
Please, don´t forget to visit her fantastic shop!
Please, don´t forget to visit her fantastic shop!
Great interview again! Love Stephanie's work!
Lovely interview ! Kisses for both of you !
Great read! I love Stephanies work and show everyone the tiny pizza I have. Amazing how she can do that! :)
Delightful interview! She is even cuter than the wonderfully sweet little items she creates!
~Emily xx
love this interview ... many thanks :) I truly admire all her miniature items
Great interview! And Stephanies's creations are beautiful and so yummy!
Great interview,
beautiful Items and very symphatic!
Thanks for the feature! I realize that I talked a lot!! lol!
Great work! I very like her miniature food!
great article! Stephanie makes wounderfull miniatures!
What a talented artist and always great to find more about her!)
what a lovely interview with Stéphaie!! such a talented artist .. she makes the best miniatures i've ever seen!
thanks to you both :)
kerrin xox
lovely post :D
hope you're having a great day!
Lovely interview! Nice to read a bit more about Stephanie! :)
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